- http://galacticfederationoflight.blogspot.com
- http://galactic-federation-of-light.blogspot.com (this blog) ;)
- http://galacticfederationoflight.ning.com
- http://indianinthemachine.wordpress.com
- http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/star_nations.htm
- http://www.indianinthemachine.com/galacticfederationoflight.html
- http://lightworkers.org/
- http://www.galacticfriends.com
World Consciousness Raising
BROTHER VERITUS - A Repository of Spiritual Knowledge for the Aquarian Age (Spanish & English
DAMANHUR - Example of an advanced spiritual community in Italy
DAN WINTER - Inventor, Author, Visionary
FLOWER OF LIFE RESEARCH, INC - The Flower of Life seminars and the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek
GALACTIC FRIENDS - Together Joyfully co-creating a spiritual Galactic Society we can all be proud of
GEORGE KOEMTZOPOULOS - Researcher of ET Intelligence
THE GREAT SHIFT - Preparing for the coming dimensional shift in human consciousness
HEAL THYSELF - IAN CAMERON - Overcome Stress and Illness - Find Peace of Mind
HEATHER MACAULEY - Living Life Magically
INTERDIMENSIONAL PORTAL - We are spiritually ready to interact with interdimensional gateways
KEEPERS OF THE FLAME - Components of Spirituality
LIGHTSHIFT 2000 - Inspiration and components of Spirituality
LOTUS IMMORTAL - Tools For the Expansion of the Human Experience
NATURAL PORTAL - Creating a Heavenly Earth
ONE LIGHT AND HOLLOW EARTH - Dianne Robbins on the Cetacians and Telos, city inside Mother Earth
PATHWAY TO ASCENSION - Understanding the planetary events that are unfolding
POLISH WEBSITE - Sheldan Nidle and others
REVERSE SPEECH ENTERPRISES - Subliminal truth of speech patterns
SELF MASTERY EARTH INSTITUTE - Blend of East and West to Universality
SAYAHDA - Visionary teachings
SPIRIT NETWORK - Resources needed to prepare for the age of Enlightenment - Components for Spirituality
STARSEED COMMUNITY - Bringing light to the world through the frequency of love
DR. JOSHUA DAVID STONE - Melchizedec Synthesis Light Academy
THE TAZZ AND PAULA SHOW - Program interviews that merge science and miracles into a new wisdom … uplifting consciousness
ENTERING THE NEW REALITY - A website dedicated to assisting the unfolding of humanity
TRANSFORMATION NETWORK - The World Healing Project
JAMES F. TWYMAN - The Peace Troubadour, Emissary of Light